Celebrate the auspicious bond of Raksha Bandhan with our stylish AD Rakhi from Kriti Life. This Rakhi features a beautiful “Shree” design at the center, embellished with sparkling American Diamonds (AD), symbolizing prosperity and blessings. The vibrant red and orange twisted thread adds a touch of elegance and tradition, making it a perfect Rakhi for your beloved brother. Show your love and blessings with this exquisite Rakhi, symbolizing the cherished bond between siblings.
AD Rakhi with “Shree” Design and Red-Orange Thread – Kriti Life
- Beautiful “Shree” design embellished with sparkling American Diamonds (AD)
- Vibrant red and orange twisted thread for a traditional look
- Symbolizes prosperity and blessings
- Unique and stylish design
- Perfect for Raksha Bandhan celebrations
- Packaged in a beautifully designed Kriti Life box
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